February 19, 2025


Díli, 14/08/2024: His Excellency, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Dr. José Honório, participated in the launch of “Science, Technology & Innovation: Path to Transformation and Sustainable Development in Timor-Leste,” organized by the Office of the President of the Republic in the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Díli.

The objective of this activity is to promote tourism as well as science and technology, through invited speakers who are distinguished laureates and award winners, invited by His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Dr. José Ramos Horta, to share their experiences related to their areas of expertise in science and technology.

The primary objective of this activity includes lectures on mobile health technology, telemedicine, and educational technology, discussion panels on strengthening innovation in Timor-Leste, and Q&A sessions that allow Timorese students and professionals to engage directly with the laureates.

The first day’s activities began with the inauguration of a photography exhibition by Photographer Peter Badge, who documented the journey of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates in portraits. According to the plan, the activity will continue for three days, with the international conference taking place on August 14 and 15, 2024, and the national conference on August 16, 2024, which will also include the presentation of research results by national researchers supported by the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT).

The laureates and award winners participating in this session are:

  1. Prof. Shwetak Naran Patel, Ph.D., ACM Prize in Computing in 2018 and MacArthur Fellowship in 2011
  2. Prof. Eric Allen Brewer, Ph.D., ACM Prize in Computing in 2009 and the ACM SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award
  3. Prof. Julie A. Kientz, Ph.D., MIT TR-35 Award in 2013
  4. Professor Sir Konstantin ‘Kostya’ Novoselov, Ph.D., Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010
  5. Prof. Martin Chalfie, Ph.D., Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008

This activity is an initiative of His Excellency, the President of the Republic, organized in collaboration with MESSK and INCT. Therefore, the participants taking part in this important session include His Excellency, the President of the Court of Appeal, Dr. Deolindo dos Santos, Members of the Government, the Diplomatic Corps, Academics and Students, National and International Agencies, as well as other Relevant Institutions.
