Díli, 22/08/2024. His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, Dr. José Honório, officially opened the Certification Exam “Diploma of Students from Higher Education Institutions that were not accredited at the time of graduation,” held at the Cristal Foundation Hall (ISC), Balide, Díli.
The purpose of this certification exam is to reassess graduates whose diplomas did not receive recognition due to the lack of accreditation of their Universities/Institutes at the time of graduation. Thus, the graduates who pass this process will be able to obtain recognition from the Ministry, certifying the legality of their diplomas.
This activity is conducted by the National Directorate of Legalization (DNL) and the National Directorate of Higher Education (DNES), in accordance with Ministerial Diploma No. 31/7/MESCC/2024, which grants competence to conduct the Certification Exam for non-accredited students whose diplomas have not yet been recognized and legalized by the Government, enabling them to use them for their future needs.
The exam consists of written and oral tests, with a total of sixty-six (66) participants from Private Higher Education Institutions, both domestic and international, covering various faculties and areas of specialization.
Attending the official opening ceremony were His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, Dr. José Honório, the President of the Cristal Foundation (ISC), Mr. Agostinho dos Santos, the Magnificent Rector, Dr. Sebastião Pereira, as well as several directors and technicians from MESCC.