October 23, 2024

H.E Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Mr.Longuinhos dos Santos, participated in the meeting of Council of Ministers

H.E Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Mr.Longuinhos dos Santos, participated in the meeting of Council of Ministers lead by H.E Prime Minister, Mr.Taur Matan -Ruak, held in the Government Palace.

In this meeting, the Council of Ministers approved the government Decree Project, presented by H.E Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Mr.Longuinhos dos Santos, regarding the first alter of Government Decree Law no. 2/2015, 14th of January, Approval of  Academic Subsidies, bonus for Chiefs and extraordinary compliments for the Lectures of UNTL.

This academic subsidies and special compliments alterations for acquisition technical material and scientific, will be effective the retroactive start from 1st of January of 2014, likewise, the first of calculation bonus of Chiefs.
