Díli, 08/08/2024: The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, through the Partnership and Cooperation Unit, led by the Unit Coordinator, Mr. Paulo Mariano, along with Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Ph.D., and his delegation from the ASEAN University Network (AUN) from Thailand, held a meeting with the Association of Timorese Alumni in the Diaspora, in the MESCC meeting room.
The general objective of this meeting was to establish a line of coordination and collaboration between the Ministry and the Association of Timorese Alumni who completed their studies in the diaspora, in order to contribute to the development of programs that can benefit Timorese students, especially by promoting opportunities through the association’s coordination line for society and communities in rural areas.
Additionally, the main objective of AUN’s presence was to discuss and hear the opinions of alumni about their experiences related to activities and programs that can benefit Timorese students, particularly according to the needs of Timor-Leste, related to programs that will be developed in the future by AUN itself.
AUN’s programs include areas such as human resource capacity building, student mobilization for exchange programs in various areas and specialties, scholarships, and other activities that will benefit students and higher education institutions.
Therefore, the Association and the alumni groups that participated in this meeting session are composed of representatives from alumni in Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, America, Thailand, and Cuba.