February 20, 2025

His Excellency Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture participated in the launching of Groundbreaking for the João Saldanha University Building in Usleu, Hera.

 Dili 14th of February H.E Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Longuinhos dos Santos participate at the launching of Groundbreaking for The JSI Campus building in Usleu Hera.

On that occasion of ceremony marked also with the presence of  the Chief Commander of FFDTL, Lieutenant General Domingos Raul“Falur Rate Laek”,  Executive Director of ANNA , Second Vise President of National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT in Portuguese abbreviation)) , the student’s parents  and other participants.

The participants of the Ceremony are Chief of State General Major FALINTIL – FDTL Tanente General Domingos Raul “Falur Rate Laek”, Executive Director of ANAAA, Second Vice President of INCT, parents of the students and other participants.

Took place at the ceremony were Chief of State Maijor General Falintil-FDTL Lieutenant General Domingos Raul“Falur Rate Laek”, Executive Director of ANAAA, Second Vice-President of INCT, parents of the students including the other participants.
