April 1, 2025


Malaysia, 04/12/2024: The delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture (MESCC), led by H.E. Minister Dr. José Honório, accompanied by advisors and technical staff from the ministry, held a meeting with the management of Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) in Perak, Malaysia. During this visit, in addition to engaging with the management, the MESCC delegation also toured the resources available at both institutions to understand their quality and capacity.

The purpose of the meeting, directly led by the Minister of MESCC, was to seek strategic cooperation, particularly in areas critical to the development of Timor-Leste, in line with the policies outlined in the National Development Strategic Plan (PEDN), as well as to enhance the quality of Higher Education, ensuring the quality of human resources for the future.

In the meeting with Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), discussions focused on cooperation regarding the monitoring of academic progress and the integration of Timor-Leste scholarship students at UTP, as well as the potential to continue attracting Timorese students to pursue studies in the fields of Petroleum Engineering and in diversified areas such as mining and gas.

Additionally, in the meeting with Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO), the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture received an invitation to visit technical facilities and discuss the possibility of promoting activities such as student mobility and exchange in technical areas such as Engineering, Information Technology, and Marine Resources (Fisheries).

The importance of both meetings is strategic for Timor-Leste, particularly in the areas of oil and gas, with a primary focus on preparing and qualifying human resources to respond to challenges in the exploration and management of the country’s natural resources. As the world evolves rapidly, the need for Timor-Leste to adapt to modern technological advancements is also being discussed. In this regard, the MESCC is focusing on training and technical preparation in the field of Information Technology, thereby contributing to national development.

In the aforementioned meeting, H.E. Minister Dr. José Honório, accompanied by the Executive Advisor and the Advisor from UPC-MESCC, engaged in direct discussions with the management and professors of both institutions.
