March 3, 2025


Dili, 30/07/2024: The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, through the Coordinating Commission of Universities and Higher Institutes (CUIS – Portuguese acronym), held the VII ordinary meeting with CUIS members, in the Meeting Hall of the Ministry of Higher Education in Colmera-Dili, to update the progress of the implementation of the Government’s Public Subsidy Budget that has already been allocated to private HEIs.

The main objective of this meeting is to present and update information on the implementation of the Government’s Public Subsidy Budget, which supports private HEIs with a budget amount of $5,000,000 (Five Million US Dollars). Up to this month of July, MESCC has already transferred 40% of the referred budget to seventeen private higher education institutions.

Additionally, CUIS prepared the members to divide into four teams to work together with the technical teams from the Ministry of Higher Education, led by the Director-General of Planning and Finance, Mr. Hernani Viterbo da C. Soares, to monitor and verify the execution of the budget offered to private higher education institutions to execute and implement according to the existing proposals. This budget will be used to acquire office materials, laboratory equipment, and also to support students and faculty in participating in training and technical formations.

The session was directly led by His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, Dr. José Honório, the Chief of Staff of MESCC, Mr. José Boavida Simões, the Director-General of Planning and Finance, Mr. Hernâni Viterbo da Costa Soares, the Director-General of Higher Education and Science, Ms. Maria Filomena Lay Guterres, the CUIS Coordinator, Dr. Edmundo Viegas, Dr. Acácio Amaral, Dr. João Cancio, and the CUIS Technical Team.
