October 23, 2024


Díli, 11/10/2024: The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture (MESCC) hosted the regional meeting “SEAMEO RIHED 2024” (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization – Regional Centre for Higher Education Development), focusing on the Higher Education sector. The event took place at the Novo Turismo Hotel in Díli over two days (October 11-12, 2024), addressing key issues related to higher education within the ASEAN region.

The SEAMEO RIHED Governing Board Meeting is a technical gathering involving Directors-General and officials from ASEAN member countries. On October 11, 2024, the 32nd SEAMEO RIHED Governing Board Member Meeting was held, followed by the 16th Southeast ASEAN Higher Education Senior Officer Meeting (SEA-HIED SOM) on the second day, October 12, 2024.

In her opening remarks, the Director of SEAMEO RIHED, Dr. Romyen Kosaikanont, emphasized that “the primary objective of selecting Timor-Leste as the host of this regional meeting is to provide Governing Board members with the opportunity to better understand the country’s environment.” She further noted that the main goal of the meeting between the Governing Board and higher education officials was to discuss and approve proposals and strategies on various higher education topics, including human resource capacity-building, technology integration, and other matters related to the specific conditions and needs of the sector. Discussions also focused on promoting the quality and sustainability of higher education across ASEAN member countries.

During her address, the Director-General of Higher Education and Science of Timor-Leste, Maria Filomena Lay Guterres, expressed gratitude to all participants for attending this annual meeting. She highlighted that hosting this regional event is an important milestone for the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, demonstrating its growing capacity to organize regional-level meetings.

The Director-General also shared the ministry’s key achievements and programs, such as the introduction of the Higher Education Framework Law, the revision of the National Qualifications System, and other initiatives aligned with the ministry’s policy to enhance the quality and internationalization of higher education institutions in Timor-Leste. She stressed that aligning the country’s higher education system with ASEAN standards is critical to supporting Timor-Leste’s preparation for full ASEAN membership.

SEAMEO RIHED is a regional organization dedicated to the development and strengthening of higher education in Southeast Asia. Its core mission is to promote multilateral collaboration among ASEAN member countries to enhance the quality, relevance, and competitiveness of higher education through policies, research, and capacity-building programs that foster sustainable development and innovation in the region.

This meeting was held in a hybrid format, with both in-person and online participation. Seven countries attended in person, including Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Timor-Leste. Additionally, three countries – Indonesia, Myanmar, and Lao PDR – participated virtually.
