March 15, 2025
Bootstrap Example

National Agency for Academic Assessment and Accreditation


The National Agency for Academic Assessment and Accreditation – NAAAA has been established, with the objective of evaluating and accrediting higher education institutions and their study cycles in Timor-Leste. The Statutes of NAAAA establish the following:

  1. NAAAA is a legal entity governed by public law with legal personality and judicial capacity, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and with its own assets.

  2. NAAAA’s judicial capacity encompasses the practice of all legal acts, the enjoyment of all rights and subjection to all the obligations necessary for the pursuit of its attributions.

  3. NAAAA is constituted for an indefinite period.

  4. NAAAA is recognized as a public utility institution.

  5. NAAAA is governed by the provisions of thes Decree-Law, by the Statutes published in the annex of the Decree-Law and, alternatively, by other applicable legislation.

Mission and Vision

  1. It is incumbent upon NAAAA, under the terms provided for in the law and in the respective Statute, to assess and accredit higher education institutions and their study cycles, as well as perform the functions inherent to the insertion of Timor-Leste in the international system of quality warranty.

  2. NAAAA is also in charge of the institutional evaluation of all higher education institutions established in Timor-Leste, the accreditation of postgraduate studies and regulated courses, as well as the formulation of recommendations on the projects of new higher education institutions.

  3. All higher education institutions that grant and issue academic degrees are subject to assessment and accreditation procedures, under the responsibility of NAAAA.

  4. NAAAA may also participate in the carrying out of other evaluations of a scientific nature, namely of institutions that are part of the national scientific system.

Organizational Chart
